"Λήμνος γαιάων πολύ φιλτάτη απασέων"Limnos the most friendly land of all lands.  
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Panagia(The Virgin Mary )

The village was founded in 1865 from residents of Ag. Ypatios that had properties in the region. First settlers are considered the Em. Paxmadas, I. Hare, Komn. Katogoydis and D. Tsagdis. The around rural extent is reported in document 1874 and called "Tsiflikia", because it belongs in turks leaders.

According to the delivery the name place Virgin Mary preexisted the village, and emanated from some old monastery. Near in the monastery was found the village Kastri'. The delivery is confirmed by document of M. Layras, 1355, in which is reported the abbey of Virgin Mary of Sergoynio'tissas near in the Kastri or Kastrum in the V.A. part of island. This abbey had properties in the places Polyfyllo, Petzea (today cape Skins). Later became property of M. Layras, who in 1380 claimed a picture of "Virgin Mary of Servoyniotissis" from the family Kondyli of Limnos. The Kastri in any case perhaps corresponds also in the Vryokastro of Plate.
Near in the Virgin Mary exists the deserted today medieval settlement Worthy or Naxja, which at the A. Moshidi is identified with the patrchical meto'hj, "Saint Ana'rgyroj to the Na'kjssan", that is reported in document of patriarch Ioannis JG' of Glykeos (1315-1320). At the Moshidi the Nakissa is not other than the ancient region Akesa, in which at ' the Filostratos, was installed the Filoktitis and was cured from the bite of snake. Thus it resulted also the name place from verb "akeomai" = I am cured. Helping make in this opinion is that the temple of Byzantine Nakissas was dedicated in the doctors and healer Saint Anargyroys.
In the community of Virgin Mary belongs and the settlement Koyrtesonas or Kortisonaspou at the A. Miheli took his name from some Byzantine sovereign. Easternly of village is extended the Saltmarsh, lagoon from where all the villages of Limnos take the salt, mainly Eastern. When it had moon they began ships from the villages with animals in order to they charge salt.