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The village took its name from the Byzantine land owner Kontopoylos, that had properties in the region and gifted in the M. Layras. For this up to the Jc' of century it is reported as Kontopoyli (Kontopoyloy).

The opinion of A. ijheli that the name emanated from the phrase "near in the city", meaning him ancient Hefaistia is not valid. His first residents came from the hefaistia , the Kotsinos and the St. Ypatios. What they prove marble columns has been incorporated in his church, but also the holy Gospel of parish in which is entered dedication to the Saint Ypatios. The village refered the Pococke in 1739, but sure existed from the years of capture from Turks(1453). According to the delivery, when the Turks occupied Limnos the picture of Saint Anastasia been in tears and the holy water that exists in the temple it filled blood. In the Kontopoyli it remained in 1948 as banished the poet Yannis Ritsos.

In the region of Kontopoylio existed older certain enough small country-livestock settlements, by which they are reported by the Byzantine years.
Such it was, a) States, that are reported in 1415 in document of M. Layras (Public), b) Saint Alexandros near in the region Grass, where is reported the existence of monastery (abbey of Grass) in patrjarhic document 1320, c) Saint Nikolaos, that is very probably identified with reported in the same document 1320, "Saint Nikolaos of Tzakali, Kaletzika, Melahrinos to the Bee"·This temple had gift in the Patriarchate the three reported householders (Tzakalis, Kaletzikas, Melahrinos), d) the Eytina or Deytina or Neftina, e) the Ag. Georgjos Amnioy', st) the Saravari, z) the Crane, k.a'.